Joomla Code Execution Vulnerability Patched

Written by Zach Eadie 0 Comments


Today, the popular content management software Joomla! issued an update relating to a critical Remote Code Execution class vulnerability (CVE-2015-8562).  If you are a shared, reseller, semi-managed, or fully-managed cPanel client, you need not be concerned as a defense has already been deployed by our engineering team across these platforms.

Additionally, we are working with our vulnerability management providers to provide code-level patches across any unpatched installation for our shared and reseller clients.  Any questions or concerns regarding Joomla or CVE-2015-8562 should be sent to our support department via our client portal at  If you are not yet a Kualo managed client, we're happy to add protection for this and many other classes of vulnerabilities that are included with our managed service offerings.

We recommend that you ensure your Joomla installations are up to date with the latest secure release as a matter of priority.

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About the Author

Zach is a developer and systems engineer at Kualo. He loves security, coding and pizza.